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Master of Science (MS): +441612401677

Master of Arts (MA): +44 161 240 1678

+44 161 513 1353   /   +44 161 240 1679

Graduation Day

جامعة إيتون تقدم

درجة الماجستير البحثي

Master Research (MRes)

The Master of Research (MRes) degree at Eton University is designed to provide an immersive research experience, equipping students with advanced research skills and critical thinking necessary for leadership in their fields. The program aims to foster innovation, promote ethical research practices, and enhance professional competencies, preparing graduates for doctoral studies or research-intensive careers in academia, industry, and beyond. By focusing on independent, high-quality research, the MRes degree offers a unique opportunity for students to contribute to scientific and academic advancements while gaining valuable hands-on experience.

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Eton University's research master's program is offered in two languages; English and Arabic, reflecting the organization's commitment to inclusivity and accessibility. This linguistic flexibility ensures that students from diverse cultural backgrounds can engage with the curriculum effectively.


يقدم برنامج الماجستير البحثي من جامعة إيتون بلغتين؛ الإنجليزية والعربية، مما يعكس التزام المؤسسة بالشمولية وسهولة الوصول. تضمن هذه المرونة اللغوية أن الطلاب من خلفيات ثقافية متنوعة يمكنهم التفاعل مع المنهج الدراسي بشكل فعال.


Research Degrees (MRes)

درجة الماجستير بحثي 

Credit Hours

36 US credit hours

​36 ساعة معتمدة


8 Subjects + Thesis

8 مواد بحثية + اطروحة


Minimum of one academic years and a maximum of three academic years from the date of enrollment.

من سنة دراسية واحدة على الأقل لثلاث سنوات دراسية كحد أقصى من تاريخ التسجيل.

Program Structure

The Master of Research (MRes) program at Eton University is designed to be flexible, accommodating the needs of a diverse student body. The program is structured to be completed in a standard duration of two academic years of full-time study. However, the duration may vary depending on the student's prior experience and the pace at which they complete their research. Students are expected to complete the program within a minimum of one academic years and a maximum of three academic years from the date of enrollment.

Credit Requirements

To earn a Master of Research (MRes) degree at Eton University, students must complete a total of 36 US credit hours. These credits are distributed across various stages of the research process, including coursework, research activities, and the thesis. The credit requirements include:

  • Research Methodology Courses (Core Courses 12 credits):

  • Specialization Courses (Elective Courses 12 credits):

  • Research Projects and Thesis (12 credits):​​​

الخطة الدراسية

للحصول على درجة الماجستير في البحثي من جامعة إيتون، يجب على الطلاب إكمال 36 ساعة دراسية معتمدة تابعة لنظام النظام التعليم الامريكي. سيتم توزيع هذه الساعات على مراحل مختلفة بدأً من عملية البحث، يليها الدورات الدراسية وأنشطة البحث والأطروحة. تتضمن متطلبات الساعات المعتمدة :

  • مواد منهجية البحث (المواد الأساسية 12 ساعة معتمدة)

  • مواد التخصص (المواد الاختيارية 12 ساعة معتمدة)

  • الأطروحة (12 ساعة معتمدة)

Sample of Available Majors

Data Science

Environmental Science

Social Sciences

Computer Science


Chemical Engineering


Special Education

Sports Science

Sports Coaching

Political Sciences

Human Rights



Maritime Law

Financial Majors

Biomedical Research


Public Health


Health Sciences

Occupational Health and Safety

Public Health



Medical Education

نماذج التخصصات المتاحة

البحوث الطبية الحيوية

ماجستير العلوم في علوم البيانات

العلوم البيئية

علم النفس

الصحة العامة

العلوم الاجتماعية

علوم الكمبيوتر

التكنولوجيا الحيوية

علم الأعصاب

الهندسة الكيميائية

العلوم الصحية

الصحة والسلامة المهنية

التدريب الطبي



الماجستير البحثي في التربية الخاصة


العلوم الرياضية

التدريب الرياضي

العلوم السياسية

حقوق الإنسان

القانون البحري


التخصصات المالية


Credit Transfer Policies:

Previous vocational studies and relevant professional certifications may be considered for credit transfer towards the MRes program, subject to evaluation and approval by the admissions committee.

These requirements ensure that applicants are well-prepared for the rigorous research training provided by the MRes programs and are capable of making significant contributions to their chosen fields.

يمكن النظر في الدراسات المهنية السابقة والشهادات المهنية ذات الصلة لتحويل الساعات المعتمدة إلى ساعات الماجستير البحثي .

وتخضع عملية التحويل للتقييم والموافقة من قبل لجنة القبول. تضمن هذه المتطلبات أن يكون المتقدمون مستعدين للتدريب البحثي الذي يوفره برامج الماجستير البحثي وأن يكونوا قادرين على تقديم مساهمات كبيرة في المجالات التي يختارونها.

Student Services:

Eton University offers a comprehensive range of student services designed to support MRes students in their academic, personal, and professional development. These services ensure that students have the resources and assistance they need to thrive during their masters’ studies and beyond.

  • Counseling Services

  • Career Counseling and Advising

  • Professional Development Workshops

  • Scientific Publishing Services

    • Publication Guidance

    • Editing and Review Services

    • Workshops and Seminars

    • Open Access Publishing

    • Research Dissemination

    • Publication Ethics


تقدم جامعة مجموعة شاملة من الخدمات الطلابية المصممة لدعم الطلاب في تطورهم الأكاديمي والشخصي والمهني. تضمن هذه الخدمات حصول الطلاب على الدعم والمساعدة التي يحتاجونها لتحقيق النجاح أثناء دراسة الماجستير.

- الخدمات الاستشارية 

- الإرشادالمشورة المهنية

- ورش عمل للتطوير المهني

- خدمات النشر العلمي

     -  إرشادات النشر

     -  خدمات التحرير

     -   أخلاقيات النشر

     -  نشر الأبحاث


Key Features of the Flexible Admission Process

  • Recognition of Prior Learning and Experience

  • Multiple Entry Points

  • Flexible Study Modes

  • Supportive Application Process

Why Choose a Research-Based Master's Degree?

  • Intensive Research Focus: Unlike coursework-only master's programs, the MRes places a strong emphasis on research, providing students with extensive hands-on experience in conducting independent studies.

  • Preparation for Doctoral Studies: The MRes is an ideal stepping stone for students planning to pursue a PhD. The intensive research training prepares students for the demands of doctoral research.

  • Skill Development: Students gain advanced skills in research methodologies, critical analysis, and scientific communication, which are highly valued in both academic and professional settings.

  • Career Opportunities: Graduates of the MRes program are well-prepared for research-intensive careers in academia, industry, government, and non-profit organizations. The focus on research skills and experience can make graduates highly competitive in the job market.

  • Personalized Learning: The MRes program often allows for more personalized learning experiences, with students working closely with faculty mentors on their research projects. This close mentorship can provide valuable guidance and support.

  • Contribution to Knowledge: Students have the opportunity to contribute original research to their field, making meaningful contributions to scientific and academic knowledge.

By completing the form below, you are allowing our team to assist you with all details, season promotions, and the admission procedure.

قم بتعبئة استمارة طلب المعلومات و تمتع بدعم فريقينا في تقديم المشورة  وعرض الخصومات المتاحة والمساعده التسجيل

For more information Contact with your Student Advisor:

Master of Science (MS)


Master of Arts (MA)

+44 161 240 1678

+44 161 513 1353

+44 161 240 1679

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